kopsrox 🏭
- cli to automate creating and managing a k3s cluster on Proxmox VE using cloud images :nerd_face:
- add more master/worker nodes using simple config file and cli commands :pray:
- custom image created with cloudinit networking and ssh / user access :busts_in_silhouette:
- ubuntu, amazon linux and rocky images supported
- run kubectl commands or export the kubeconfig via the build in commands :nerd_face:
- etcd S3 snapshot/restore commands - minio, r2 etc supported :floppy_disk:
- in development but should be reasonably stable - check the branches for stable versions :horse_racing:
- old demo: https://asciinema.org/a/597074
docs :book:
in progress :boom:
- Improving Docs
- Some code clean up
- New! more cloud images supported
- New! proxmox SDN support
- New! dns config added